Time and the poetry of the moment

©️ Robert Doisneau, Le baiser de l’Hôtel de Ville (1950)

“The photographer should allow himself to be permeated by the poetic moment” Robert Doisneau

Some photographs have the power to stop us in our tracks. And isn’t that what we want from photography, the ability to arrest time, to freeze us on the spot? To pin us down so that we are captured by the moment, taken out of time and its unrelenting forward march, suspended in a never-ending present. Nowhere to go, but be here, immersed in this timeless moment as it unfolds and expands, pulling everything into its gravitational centre. The poetic moment, when the image turns its gaze on us and we can do nothing but stop and allow ourselves to be absorbed into it, permeated by its perfectly-timed timelessness.



Nuria Belastegui

I’m a teacher and independent researcher living on the West Coast of Canada. I’m interested in the intersections between art and literature.